Notice of Travel Jury Duty - Decide These Airlines Fate

The Court Is In Session

Notice of Travel Jury Duty - Decide These Airlines Fate

All Rise, fellow Jetsetter's the travel court is in session.

We hope this email finds you well. Today, we come to you with a burning question that's been circling our minds like a persistent mosquito at a beach resort.

Should we start including alerts for budget airlines like Frontier and Spirit? Gasp We can practically hear the gasps from here. We know, we know. These airlines have quite the reputation. But hear us out—there are hidden gems we're missing out on!

Now, we're Dare-Deviling Digital Nomads who'd fly on 0-star North Korean Air if it saved us a truckload of cash. But we understand that our service is all about catering to YOUR needs and not ours. So, we're putting the decision in your capable hands.

The Charges & Evidence

We won't mention the on-board services (or lack thereof) like paying for every drink and snack. But these are not Ocean Crossing flights but rather 2-6 hours max, so one can pack a snack.

This is your moment of travel jury duty!

We need your vote to determine the fate of Frontier and Spirit Airlines. Will they become part of our alerts or remain in the realm of travel tales and urban legends? The power is in your hands! Decide their fate below.

To cast your vote, simply click on one of the buttons below:

👍 Thumbs Up: Let's embrace the adventure and include Frontier and Spirit Airlines in our alerts!

👎 Thumbs Down: Let's stick to our usual options and leave the budget airlines to the brave souls who don't mind paying for their own pretzels!

Once we receive responses from 90% of our beloved members or in 7 days (whichever comes first), we'll tally the votes and reveal the verdict. Stay tuned for the final results.

Bon voyage,
The Jetsetter Team

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