Hawaii & Australia For $581 Total (23 Day Adventure)

Cheap Flights To Hawaii & Australia

Hawaii & Australia For $581 Total (23 Day Adventure)

We sent out a mistake fare from Honolulu to Australia and then realized there are flights on sale from Seattle to Honolulu, which is where this Australia fare departs from making a perfect opportunity to take advantage of both due to the dates working out perfectly.

If you only want Hawaii, then ignore the Australia aspect of this alert.

Here is the alert from Hawaii to Australia and below it, is Seattle to Honolulu.

Departure Airport - Honolulu (HNL)

  • Destination: Sydney, AU (SYD)
  • Airline: JetStar
  • Available Dates: OCT - NOV 2023, FEB 2024
  • Price: $313 Non Stop
  • Booking Window: Price could change anytime
View Deal Online

Departure Airport - Seattle (SEA)

  • Destination: Honolulu (HNL)
  • Airline: Alaska
  • Available Dates: SEP - OCT 2023
  • Price: $268
  • Booking Window: Should last 1-2 days
View On Google Flights

So using the information from both alerts we have put together a trip example for you to take advantage of that fare to Australia. To do this we book two separate round trip flights that are staggered.


Booking 1:
Oct 9th Depart Seattle Return Nov 1st
Price: $268

Booking 2:
Depart Honolulu Oct 20th Return Oct 30th
Price: $313

The above examples are already set up for you when you view the flights on Google Flights.

This not only allows you to explore both destinations, but breaks up the journey so that it's way more comfortable.

This gives you 11 days on the front end in Hawaii and 9 days to explore because we will not be able to enjoy the day of arrival to Hawaii or the day of departure for Australia.

Then it has 2 days in Hawaii on the return, allowing you to rest prior to returning back to Seattle on the 1st of November.

And there you have $2500+ worth of flights for $581 total, saving you close to $2000 on a single ticket for 1 person!

Please let your friends and family know about us! Everyone deserves to see the world without cost barriers preventing it, as life is short.


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