Cheap Flights To Lisbon Portugal - $500's

Cheap Flights To Lisbon Portugal

Cheap Flights To Lisbon Portugal - $500's
Departure Airport
Phoenix (PHX)
Most all dates are showing cheap flights to Lisbon Portugal on sale, but we have isolated the months that are the cheapest. August isn't mentioned in the alert below, but know that even August has fares in the low $600's available.
Lisbon Travel Guide
Tiles, tiles, tiles

Depart: Phoenix (PHX)

  • Destination: Lisbon (LIS)
  • Airline: American, British
  • Available Dates: NOV - DEC 2024, JAN - FEB 2025
  • Price: $559
  • Price: 55% Cheaper Than Normal
  • Price may last 1-2 days
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