5 Things To Do In Athens For Free

While it's renowned for landmarks like the Acropolis, Athens also offers a plethora of activities that don't cost a dime. In this short guide we will cover the top 5 things to do in Athens for free to help fill your days without having to open your wallet.

5 Things To Do In Athens For Free
Athens is steeped in mythology and history, is a destination that captivates travelers with its ancient monuments, vibrant street life, and panoramic views of the Aegean landscape. Whether you're traveling on a budget or simply looking to enhance your visit with some cost-free experiences, Athens is teeming with opportunities to explore without breaking the bank. From the historic plazas to the serene landscapes, here’s 5 things to do in Athens for free to help enrich your itinerary without ever opening your wallet.

Stroll Through Plaka

Free things to do in Athens - Plaka

What is it?

Plaka, often referred to as the "Neighborhood of the Gods," is the oldest part of Athens. Lying in the shadow of the Acropolis, this picturesque neighborhood is characterized by its narrow cobblestone streets lined with quaint cafes, boutiques, and traditional tavernas. A stroll through Plaka is like walking through a live museum, where every turn offers a glimpse into the city's rich history.

Why visit?

Visitors love Plaka for its vibrant atmosphere and historical significance. It's a place where past and present seamlessly blend, offering a cultural experience that's both immersive and delightful. Exploring Plaka, you'll find ancient ruins, Byzantine churches, and neoclassical architecture, making it a perfect spot for photography enthusiasts and history buffs alike.

Location and Tips

Plaka is centrally located, making it easily accessible from any part of Athens. It’s best explored on foot, starting from Monastiraki Square and wandering towards the Roman Agora. Allow yourself at least 2-3 hours to fully enjoy the area and perhaps coincide your visit with the golden hours of early evening to capture stunning photographs.

Watch the Sunset at Areopagus

free things to do in Athens - Sunset at Areopagus

What is it?

The Areopagus, a prominent rock outcropping located just northwest of the Acropolis, is famed for its biblical associations and breathtaking views of Athens. Historically, this was the place where the ancient Athenian council met, and it is also where Apostle Paul delivered his famous sermon.

Why visit?

Watching the sunset from the Areopagus is a magical experience. As the sun dips below the horizon, the sky bursts into a palette of colors, casting a golden hue over the cityscape and the Acropolis. It's a favorite spot for both locals and tourists looking to escape the city's hustle and enjoy a moment of tranquility.

Location and Tips

The Areopagus is accessible via a short walk from the Acropolis metro station. To get the best experience, arrive early to secure a good spot as it can get crowded at sunset. The typical visit lasts about an hour, making it a perfect evening activity before dinner in nearby Plaka.

Visit the National Gardens

free things to do in Athens - National Gardens

What is it?

Located in the heart of Athens, right behind the Greek Parliament, the National Gardens offer a lush, green oasis amid the urban environment. This 15.5-hectare park is home to a variety of plants, ancient ruins, mosaics, and even a small zoo.

Why visit?

The National Gardens provide a peaceful retreat from the bustling city streets. Ideal for nature lovers and families, the gardens feature shaded pathways, picturesque ponds, and a plethora of flora and fauna, which are particularly refreshing during the hot summer months.

Location and Tips

The entrance to the National Gardens is directly behind the Greek Parliament building at Syntagma Square. They are open from sunrise to sunset, and you can easily spend 1-2 hours exploring the different sections. The gardens are also a great spot for a leisurely picnic.

Explore Anafiotika Neighborhood

free things to do in Athens - Anafiotika Neighborhood

What is it?

Tucked beneath the northeastern side of the Acropolis, Anafiotika is a scenic neighborhood that offers a taste of the Greek islands right in the heart of Athens. Characterized by its whitewashed houses and narrow, winding paths, this area was settled by workers from the island of Anafi.

Why visit?

Anafiotika provides a stark contrast to the urban character of central Athens. Its island-like architecture and laid-back atmosphere make it an enchanting place to wander and take in the unique blend of Athenian and Cycladic culture.

Location and Tips

Anafiotika is best accessed from Plaka. This hidden gem is somewhat of a labyrinth, so it’s wise to allow yourself some time to meander and perhaps get a little lost; that’s part of the charm! Plan to spend at least an hour here.

Changing of the Guard at Syntagma

free things to do in Athens - Changing of the Guard at Syntagma

What is it?

The Changing of the Guard ceremony in front of the Hellenic Parliament at Syntagma Square is a highly ceremonial event that involves the Evzones, or presidential guards, dressed in traditional Greek military attire. This event is symbolic of Greece's pride and military precision.

Why visit?

The precision and ritual of the Changing of the Guard are mesmerizing. This free display of cultural tradition offers insight into Greek ceremonial customs and provides excellent photo opportunities.

Location and Tips

Syntagma Square is easily accessible by public transport, being directly connected to the Syntagma metro station. The changing happens every hour on the hour, but the grand change occurs every Sunday at 11:00 AM, which is a longer and more elaborate ceremony. Arrive a bit early to get a good viewing spot. Expect to spend about 30 minutes to an hour here.

Life is not about how much we spend, but about the adventures we take and the memories we make. Athens, with its rich history and vibrant street scenes, offers countless opportunities to create lasting memories without the need for a hefty budget. From the unique sunsets at Areopagus to the tranquil escapes within the National Gardens and the cultural immersion in neighborhoods like Anafiotika, Athens is a testament to the fact that the most rewarding experiences can often come without a price tag. Explore, discover, and let Athens reveal its wonders to you, one step at a time.


What are the top free activities to do in Athens?

How can I reach Anafiotika from the center of Athens?

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